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Babygro courses introduce professionals to leading-edge research on how the developing brain is shaped by parent-infant communication.
Our courses are produced in partnership with the Social Neuroscience of Human Attachment Lab, at the University of Essex. This is a centre for brain development which collaborates with leading neuroscientists and psychologists around the globe to publish the latest academic research.
We provide one and two-day courses for professionals, delivered by Dr Amanda Lucas and produced in partnership with the Social Neuroscience of Human Attachment Lab. Our courses introduce professionals to leading-edge research on how the developing brain is shaped by parent-infant communication. They map out the relationships between parent-baby interactions, babies' developing attachment style, and their later-life wellbeing and resilience to stress.
In addition we offer practical, evidenced-based, courses for professionals on the topics of Infant Sleep, Breastfeeding and Infant Fussing (including digestive difficulties, wind and colic).
Georgina Marks, Action for Children
In this course, produced in association with the Social Neuroscience of Human Attachment Lab, attendees will be introduced to CHATS: five elements of parent-infant communication, that have been shown through a comprehensive body of research to lead to optimal later-life outcomes in our babies. Attendees will also discover four important networks of the developing brain, how these are wired through CHATS, and how they work together to produce different styles of attachment. You will receive a copy of the Babygro Book which supports the course content (posted to you if attending online).
This Brain Development course, for day-care professionals, provides an overview of four important networks of the developing brain and how they work together to produce secure and insecure attachment styles. It will also summarise day-care outcomes in the UK, and highlight research findings which illustrate how staff can encourage social-emotional development in children, including an understanding of how children’s temperaments and attachment styles interact with the child-caregiver relationship. You will receive a copy of the Babygro Book which supports the course content
Drawing on research from large-scale meta-analyses of sleep patterns around the world, as well as a biological and evolutionary understanding of ‘normal sleep’ for infants, this course examines the root of western expectations around infant sleep. The course also explores the relationships between breastfeeding, night-waking, and bed-sharing, as well as assessing the research evidence for practices involving limit-setting
and 'self-settling' in infants.
This course introduces practitioners to the elements of breastfeeding positioning that are shown in research to reduce the discomfort and nipple trauma often experienced by new mothers, and frequently responsible for early cessation of breastfeeding. Recommendations from published research are shared for how to support new mothers in using positions and holds that enable efficient transfer of milk, stability and comfort.
This course provides a review of the latest research on infant digestive discomfort, reflux, wind and colic. It presents leading-edge evidence of differences in the microbiomes of infants who do and do not display symptoms, as well as evaluating which remedies have the most comprehensive research backing. The session will also demonstrate evidenced-based techniques for soothing babies.
Included with our Brain Development Course (both in-person and online) and Day-Care Professional's Course is a print copy of our Babygro Book. If attending our online course, a copy of the book will be posted to you. The book brings to life - in pictures and with minimal words - the connections between parent-infant communication, brain development and attachment styles, and supports the course content.
The Social Neuroscience of Human Attachment Lab collaborates with leading neuroscientists and psychologists around the globe to publish the latest academic research on caregiving, attachment and brain-development.
Babygro acts as a mouthpiece for this research, translating it to parents and professionals in a visual, interactive, and jargon-free way.
Dr Pascal Vrticka - Director of the SoNeAt Lab -
Babygro Associate Trustee
'As we become more confident in our ability to explain how our bodies and brains orchestrate caregiving and attachment behaviours, it is important to translate our findings for the benefits of as many parents as possible.
The Babygro Book does exactly that. It was a great pleasure and honour to contribute to its realisation.’
The UK government recognises that early intervention is the most effective - and cost effective - way of preventing mental health conditions in children (see Healthy Beginnings, 2019; Our Children Deserve Better, 2012). During the first 1001 days after birth the newborn brain undergoes an intensive period of development. Infants who receive sensitive, nurturing and contingent responses to their communications during this period develop brain structures and connections which enable them to regulate their emotions and manage stress throughout their lives.
Such responsive attunement in a caregivers interaction style with their baby leads to Secure Attachment. Being securely attached leads to young people being less prone to depression and anxiety. Indeed a recent meta-analysis (Jeong J et al., 2021) finds that parenting interventions that focus on responsive care, improve infant attachment and later-life emotional regulation in our young people. Furthermore, a recent report from the Parent-infant Foundation (2022) highlights the need for specialist support to improve the parent-infant relationship across the UK.
In order to prevent anxiety and mental health conditions in our children it is imperative that research on early infant care is transmitted to parents, through a network of committed professionals.
Our in-person courses are held in the picturesque setting of the Potager Garden Studio, in Cornwall, overlooking beautiful gardens. Our full day in-person courses include an organic, homegrown lunch in the cafe's greenhouse, a short stroll from the studio.
We also provide courses online. In addition, we are able to travel to organisations and deliver courses at sites of your choosing.
Babygro Registered Charity 1196651
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